:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (Trilibri) (27.9.2011 15:52) reagovat
Hlavně abyste uměli česky...

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (.:Gembler:.RP (13.9.2011 13:47) reagovat
tve nebuďte forčenysti >-O

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (SwiftyRP (12.9.2011 9:44) reagovat

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (JLo2) (12.9.2011 8:52) reagovat
H2SO5 - Major win :) (I mean, grammatically it should probably be "major victory", but I'm actually using the word as a subst., similar to how it's used in slang all too familiar to this website).

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (H2SO5RP (12.9.2011 0:05) reagovat
Two the bag off the cue, the grammar department will bee overcrowded too knight.

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (qwertyRP (12.9.2011 0:00) reagovat
Your english is suck ;)

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (KeeperXRP (11.9.2011 23:50) reagovat
Oh, now i see that major mistake. Thanks grammar naciz!

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (H2SO5RP (11.9.2011 23:39) reagovat
Actually, "then" is an adverbial while "than" is a preposition or a conjunction, depending on the point of view and the fragment following that word. Therefore, the misplacement of the two is a grammar issue. Similarly, "after" (prep) is often misplaced in sentences where "afterwards" (adv) should be used.

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (franta_) (11.9.2011 23:37) reagovat
spelling/orthography Nazi ? Never heard of :-D

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (TexRP (11.9.2011 23:21) reagovat
Technicaly, he should report TO the spelling/orthography section, it has nothing to do with vocabulary either. /thread

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (KeeperXRP (11.9.2011 23:16) reagovat
wut o.o

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (misofRP (11.9.2011 23:15) reagovat
H2SO5: Technically, he should report at the vocabulary section, his fail has nothing to do with grammar :-)

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (H2SO5RP (11.9.2011 22:54) reagovat
KeeperX, report immediately at the Nazi department, grammar section :-D

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (Maximus) (11.9.2011 22:40) reagovat
Like a boss :-D

Obrázek 'facan' Obrázek 'facan' (KeeperXRP (11.9.2011 22:40) reagovat
And than Dexter killed him :D