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Nalezeno 6 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'apple + apperture ' Video 'apple + apperture ' (Pepe) (13.10.2011 20:55) reagovat
Also GLaDOS may try to kill you :-D

Video 'apple + apperture ' Video 'apple + apperture ' (JohanRP (12.10.2011 22:48) reagovat
vecernik +1

Video 'apple + apperture ' Video 'apple + apperture ' (Hugo čističRP (12.10.2011 16:39) reagovat
The cake is lie.

Video 'apple + apperture ' Video 'apple + apperture ' (Maximus) (12.10.2011 14:47) reagovat
Ill be there:D me and my extra 20 pounds :D:D

Video 'apple + apperture ' Video 'apple + apperture ' (truhlik_fredyRP (12.10.2011 13:59) reagovat
fatty fatty no parents :-D

Video 'apple + apperture ' Video 'apple + apperture ' (vecernikRP (12.10.2011 13:14) reagovat
Tohle je pro me prvni argument proc si koupit ajfoun :D