:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (mrkevRP (24.10.2011 22:00) reagovat
Nemůžu se rozhodnout které je horší... [odkaz] nebo [odkaz] nebo snad [odkaz]

Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (GromRP (24.10.2011 21:00) reagovat
still not gay as twilight.... ale ten strejda v modrym tričku má hustej hlas

Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (Ja1) (24.10.2011 19:24) reagovat

Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (slon) (24.10.2011 14:43) reagovat

Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (Silne veriaci) (24.10.2011 14:41) reagovat
hlavne toto je silene a chlapci su naschval trapny.. to sa skutocne zufalym videam nemoze rovnat

Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (Krom) (24.10.2011 14:31) reagovat

Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' Video 'OH MY GOD - The worst music video in the world' (ThorusRP (24.10.2011 14:03) reagovat
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