:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (Dr.RocksoRP (29.2.2012 1:33) reagovat
to je určitě fejk.. to je nahrany :-/

Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (XD) (28.2.2012 21:54) reagovat
3:00 takhle bych klacek nechtel :-D

Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (eratniRP (28.2.2012 16:23) reagovat
no ta rozdělená kulka, ta je dokonalá :-D

Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (Exit) (28.2.2012 14:43) reagovat
4 frisbeeman: vis jak to do hlavy boli ... ? :-D

Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (MeowRP (26.2.2012 19:55) reagovat
Banned... reason: Multihack :D

Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (MemRP (25.2.2012 14:25) reagovat
Do těch pra..tkanic by se mi pranic nechtělo, se to musí strašně motat ;)

Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' Video 'Lito Lapid will KICK YOUR ASS! ' (frisbeemanRP (25.2.2012 13:09) reagovat
ty vole!!! tak tento by si poradil urcite aj s chuckom norrisom, ale dost ma aj zaroven udivuje ako su si ludia schopny po strele do hlavy chytit sa za hlavu este :D