:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' (awenRP (9.5.2012 20:18) reagovat
omg, zas niekto pise pod mojim menom.. som slavny B-)

Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' (SilneVeriaciRP (9.5.2012 13:47) reagovat
nahodou, uzasne zabavne video... uz dlho som sa tak dobre nezasmial... umm...

Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' (TearonRP (7.5.2012 21:04) reagovat
ze ses kokot jsem si myslel uz davno. diky za potvrzeni me domnenky ;-)

Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' Video 'Still better musician than Justin Bieber' (awen (skola)) (7.5.2012 20:18) reagovat
kurva to uz nikto nic nevie najst vdo videjniku, to uz len prijebany moderator tu postuje kazdu picovinu z youtube ? omg >-O