:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'I have timeline' Video 'I have timeline' (BlixaRP (27.5.2012 10:29) reagovat
Člověk nemusí neumět anglicky aby se zeptal "wtf." Jako neuživatel bookfacu by mě taky zajímalo proč tady srovnávají "timeline" (což nevím co je, jenom vím že se to vyskytuje na FB) a AIDS.

Video 'I have timeline' Video 'I have timeline' (mop123) (26.5.2012 18:04) reagovat
2rabbit: Yea, well.. that sounded so harsh dude. I'm so scared. :-D

Video 'I have timeline' Video 'I have timeline' (rabbitRP (26.5.2012 12:47) reagovat
hoppus: wtf? What the fuck is your problem, mother fucker? Die bitch or at least stick your hands into your mamas cunt instead of writing such a hateful crap over here! >-O

Video 'I have timeline' Video 'I have timeline' (hoppus) (26.5.2012 12:06) reagovat
co wtf? nauc sa anglicky lama.

Video 'I have timeline' Video 'I have timeline' (...) (26.5.2012 9:44) reagovat