:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (grmlo) (8.9.2012 10:28) reagovat
rekl bych ze fejk

Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (T.S..) (3.9.2012 13:10) reagovat
...tak a může ho jít hledat B-)

Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (RoflMao) (3.9.2012 11:38) reagovat
A presne takhle se svahuje s vetronem... :-)

Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (BobsikRP (2.9.2012 13:56) reagovat
ale musel doletet daleko

Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (YodaRP (2.9.2012 9:31) reagovat

Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (hajzldeklRP (2.9.2012 9:02) reagovat
jakmile se prestane tocit tak spadne, jednoduchy pocty

Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' Video 'And some say it is still flying to this day' (muhuhehe) (2.9.2012 8:57) reagovat
toto som chcel stale zrobit :)