:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (Mahoney) (19.9.2012 10:25) reagovat
2x22: irský

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (starfox1) (18.9.2012 23:09) reagovat
omg jak mu z huby vypadne ten snus!!

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (2x22) (18.9.2012 19:14) reagovat
ešteže to je Britský herec...

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (moje_mama) (18.9.2012 18:38) reagovat
kokoti vzdyt to je kokot z IT crowd ... omg

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (PiterkoRP (16.9.2012 0:49) reagovat
Byť kameramanom, tak to nie som schopný natočiť... teda, určite nie v takejto forme :D:D všetko by sa triaslo, ako by som za nima bežal :D

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (jarinRP (15.9.2012 23:46) reagovat
its working [odkaz]

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (JENIS) (15.9.2012 19:48) reagovat
bencik:na to si budes miset pockat http://www.rouming.cz/roumingVideo.php?category=0&search=queen

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (bencikRP (15.9.2012 19:28) reagovat
nejsou nekde k tomu behind the scenes nebo bloopers? nebo aspon nerozmazana verze...

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (tereiRP (15.9.2012 19:12) reagovat
s tričkem skákaly pěkně, bez trička hrozně

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (BobsikRP (15.9.2012 18:40) reagovat
proc ?? proboha proc je to rozmazany ??? :D co jsem komu udelal ?? PS: pokud to jsou vše britské ženy, tak je musely setsakramentsky dlouho hledat :D

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (ShiroczRP (15.9.2012 17:45) reagovat
Tak sice je to komik, ale vsadím se, že tohle nenatočil pro pobavení lidí :-D

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (tomastomas) (15.9.2012 17:45) reagovat
co ja viem, v IT Crowd tepleho nehral a ked si poriadne vsimnes, tak aj tu mu obcas usli oci. Nuz co, a to som ho povazoval za slusneho herca :)

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (slipknotRP (15.9.2012 17:30) reagovat
kaaaamo ten musi byt tak teply ze konec... :-D

Video 'man with the best job in the world' Video 'man with the best job in the world' (LemonFRRP (15.9.2012 17:14) reagovat
By som potreboval do roboty 200 prárov treniek na týždeň...