Nalezeno 6 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'they see me rollin' GIF 'they see me rollin' (th0caRP (18.2.2013 14:32) reagovat
protoze preskocit to je too mainstream.

GIF 'they see me rollin' GIF 'they see me rollin' (TearonRP (18.2.2013 12:26) reagovat
proc to nepreskocil? O.o

GIF 'they see me rollin' GIF 'they see me rollin' (cpyRP (18.2.2013 11:14) reagovat
Tie nohy su zviazane?

GIF 'they see me rollin' GIF 'they see me rollin' (tereiRP (18.2.2013 10:50) reagovat
kde sehnal ten podvozek pod koně?

GIF 'they see me rollin' GIF 'they see me rollin' (JindrichusRP (18.2.2013 10:43) reagovat
Alluda majaka, je tam víc takovýchto scén:)

GIF 'they see me rollin' GIF 'they see me rollin' (EllrohirRP (18.2.2013 10:33) reagovat
kam se hrabe The Asylum... *facepalm*