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Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (smajl2) (7.5.2013 15:48) reagovat
Ja01: chlapce a ty sa mylis v tom ze tvoj nazor niekoho zaujima :D

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (smajl2) (7.5.2013 15:46) reagovat
A co ze tam je tolko opisov? To je ako keby ste sa stazovali ze v komixoch su obrazky.... OMG

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (Ja01) (7.5.2013 9:37) reagovat
chlapce, mylis si "tazke" a "nudne"

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (LemonFRRP (7.5.2013 8:10) reagovat
Nechaj ich tak, oproti káčerovi Donaldovi je to neskutočne ťažké čítanie ;-)

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (Rocker-TialkRP (6.5.2013 21:27) reagovat
ale tak ruku na srdce, když čtete jiné historické romány a fantasy, tak tam nejsou ty samé nudné popisy jídla, šatstva, rodinných vztahů atp., navíc ještě v nudnější formě? G.R.R. Martin je náhodou hodně dobře čtivá literatura a člověku to vydrží alespoň na dva týdny...

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (kodo) (6.5.2013 20:55) reagovat
A taky se nesmí opomenout to, co ty postavy měly oblečené, nebo že každý druhý má "větrem ošlehaný" ksicht a když narazily na možnost koupele, tak se vydrhly "do růžova"

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (Ja01) (6.5.2013 20:54) reagovat
yup, blba knizna varianta telenovely

Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' Video 'What It's Like To Read the Game of Thrones Books' (ctjb) (6.5.2013 20:31) reagovat
Inac cista truth, RR Martin je grafoman, nenormalne nudne picoviny rozpisuje v tych svojich knihach...