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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (YodaRP (27.5.2013 21:53) reagovat
I have to go, my people need me

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (TvrdejSyrRP (27.5.2013 21:49) reagovat
:-O :-O :-O :-O :-O

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (eNRP (27.5.2013 21:21) reagovat
Asi shorim v pekle, ale ja se valel po zemi! :-D

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (BigbazRP (27.5.2013 20:42) reagovat
Abandon thread ! :-D

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (DeadhartRP (27.5.2013 20:37) reagovat
Fake, badger does not give a fuck

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (pibito) (27.5.2013 19:30) reagovat
Jezevec? Pani! A neni to Milhouse? Milhousi, vylez!

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (Dommy73RP (27.5.2013 19:27) reagovat
Feyd: Viděl tam tvoji mámu

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (FeydRP (27.5.2013 19:01) reagovat
zrejme tam uvidel neco desiveho

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (Ypsko1) (27.5.2013 18:52) reagovat
Máš rum?

GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' GIF 'The story of a suicidal badger' (PiccoloRP (27.5.2013 18:44) reagovat
badger badger badger