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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (xin) (30.6.2013 8:14) reagovat
Co to je za čísla? Dá se to vypnout?

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (Smoke) (28.6.2013 0:38) reagovat
Koupil jsem, dohrál po Skeleton Kinga a přestal hrát. Popravdě mi to přijde jak nějakej výherní automat, spousta blikajících světýlek a mraky číslíček. A to jsem čekal 10 let. Naprosto zbytečně...

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (shamanRP (27.6.2013 21:28) reagovat
ako moze hrat niekto toto po d I a d II...

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (d2pRP (27.6.2013 7:29) reagovat
Best VISA player in the world

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (DeefRP (27.6.2013 6:52) reagovat
Ich brauche mehr Wut! Drzim rekord 3 mesiace som to nezapol :D

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (33joeRP (26.6.2013 22:53) reagovat
a čo som tam mal akože vidieť ?

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (YetyRP (26.6.2013 21:57) reagovat
Gratuluju, to máš 18 centů na hodinu.

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (4154RP (26.6.2013 20:56) reagovat
20-30 euro? pri dnesni hodnote goldu? :-D

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (Valza) (26.6.2013 20:36) reagovat
On to někdo hraje? Ano, týdně tím vydělám 20-30 euro.

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (razdenRP (26.6.2013 19:21) reagovat
to nekoho jeste bavi hrat PVE?

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (4154RP (26.6.2013 18:53) reagovat
Nejlepsi je [odkaz] Ten ma 598,024.40 dmg unbuffed... tohle hovno ma jen 420k :D

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (4154RP (26.6.2013 18:51) reagovat
Best player in the world, ale je az 2874. dmger na svete :D

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (DolceGustoRP (26.6.2013 18:51) reagovat
Atte: typnem Deex :-D

Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' Video 'Diablo, best player in the world' (AtteRP (26.6.2013 18:16) reagovat
On to jeste nekdo hraje?