Nalezeno 5 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'lets start with the stretch' GIF 'lets start with the stretch' (123654) (29.7.2013 14:48) reagovat
In Living Color ... škoda že má ta show tolik GB :D

GIF 'lets start with the stretch' GIF 'lets start with the stretch' (moo (lazy) ) (29.7.2013 12:25) reagovat
4.11.1990 - zachvilu 23 rokov...

GIF 'lets start with the stretch' GIF 'lets start with the stretch' (vcxRP (29.7.2013 11:26) reagovat
jj to video má odhadujem min. 15 rokov

GIF 'lets start with the stretch' GIF 'lets start with the stretch' (ybrsulin) (29.7.2013 11:24) reagovat

GIF 'lets start with the stretch' GIF 'lets start with the stretch' (vcxRP (29.7.2013 11:22) reagovat
na to videu ja práve dobrý ten hlas :) [odkaz]