:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
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:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'This LAD met the EA Sports Guy... Legend! Original Video!' Video 'This LAD met the EA Sports Guy... Legend! Original Video!' (cpyRP (26.9.2013 16:59) reagovat
Sa mi paci ako pise v about ze artistic kamarad natacal, tak to snad autistic nie? Sudiac podla toho VVS.

Video 'This LAD met the EA Sports Guy... Legend! Original Video!' Video 'This LAD met the EA Sports Guy... Legend! Original Video!' (EboRP (26.9.2013 12:28) reagovat
NajsilnejsieVeriaci> a ty jsi gay, když jsi se na to díval

Video 'This LAD met the EA Sports Guy... Legend! Original Video!' Video 'This LAD met the EA Sports Guy... Legend! Original Video!' (NajsilnejsieVeriaciRP (26.9.2013 9:37) reagovat
trapne deti (ten co si to nahral, ten co to uploadol aj ten co to schvalil)