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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Take care of the baby' Video 'Take care of the baby' (allol) (4.11.2013 22:09) reagovat
a to ho ako dlho ucil, aby ho dal 20 sekund na YT? To je frajer...

Video 'Take care of the baby' Video 'Take care of the baby' (Zrazu ) (4.11.2013 21:37) reagovat
On se chtěl otrávit??? V naší elektrický troubě???

Video 'Take care of the baby' Video 'Take care of the baby' (antonymRP (4.11.2013 20:03) reagovat
pche, ani tu troubu neumi zapnout :o)

Video 'Take care of the baby' Video 'Take care of the baby' (ashen) (4.11.2013 19:32) reagovat
ked bude mat deti a potom mu to ten hafan vazne spravi, tak som zvedavy, ze kto bude na vine ... ;-)

Video 'Take care of the baby' Video 'Take care of the baby' (xin1) (4.11.2013 19:14) reagovat