:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (erwin) (18.11.2013 9:33) reagovat
sranda, vcera som montoval modchip na ps2 a ono uz je ps4

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (nmfaaa) (17.11.2013 14:01) reagovat
Jan Gutbayer: g8 b8 m8

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (YmenRP (17.11.2013 11:08) reagovat
"šel dělat něco užitečnějšího se svým životem než je hraní her? :D" ...například komentovat gify na Roumenovi...

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (Jan Gutbayer) (17.11.2013 10:57) reagovat
Tak upřímně, je to asi nejrozumnější věc, kterou s tím lze udělat... inteligent by si samozřejmě vystačil s variantou "ani si to nekoupit", ale víte kolik času si ten člověk "koupil" tím, že to rozsekal a šel dělat něco užitečnějšího se svým životem než je hraní her? :D

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (Freez) (17.11.2013 10:25) reagovat
Co jinýho s tím krámem? Stejně jak by ji domesl domu tak by nahodila červenou linku smrti.

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (Dr.Str.RP (17.11.2013 10:23) reagovat
no jo, jenže potom si musí stoupnout zase na konec řady

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (neznalek) (premiumRP (17.11.2013 10:17) reagovat

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (milankoRP (17.11.2013 9:46) reagovat

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (BobsikRP (17.11.2013 9:45) reagovat
to je hrdina teda :D

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (YodaRP (17.11.2013 9:28) reagovat
veď v TIchom oceáne je dosť miesta na ďalší ostrov z odpadkof

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (Reag) (17.11.2013 9:26) reagovat
asi chtel xbox one

GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' GIF 'Guy breaks new PS4 in front of people standing in line to buy one' (far) (17.11.2013 9:14) reagovat
pathetic !!!