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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' (jojoRP (2.7.2015 20:39) reagovat

GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' (OmeGaRP (27.11.2013 21:15) reagovat
sa mu umyvaju ciste taniere..

GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' (cooperRP (27.11.2013 17:14) reagovat
Make it rain

GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' (EnterTheNameHereRP (27.11.2013 15:25) reagovat
Tak tam bych nejedl...

GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' (BGRP (27.11.2013 14:31) reagovat
dal by som mu to robit znova, kym sa to nenauci robit poriadne

GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' GIF 'And here we have the fastest dishwasher' (RoumenR (27.11.2013 8:39) reagovat