:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Beat him at his own game' GIF 'Beat him at his own game' (Irc23) (27.1.2014 18:16) reagovat
CGI... B-)

GIF 'Beat him at his own game' GIF 'Beat him at his own game' (Irc23) (27.1.2014 18:16) reagovat
CGI... B-)

GIF 'Beat him at his own game' GIF 'Beat him at his own game' (hoven) (24.1.2014 16:27) reagovat
Pozpátku? A proč ostatní lidi chodí normálně ty inteligente?

GIF 'Beat him at his own game' GIF 'Beat him at his own game' (Irc23) (24.1.2014 2:18) reagovat
Až na to že je to pozpátku..

GIF 'Beat him at his own game' GIF 'Beat him at his own game' (Boží dítě) (23.1.2014 20:27) reagovat
Až na to, že tam to sklo opravdu je.