Nalezeno 8 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (JMRP (31.1.2014 20:34) reagovat
Chceli rovnopravnost ? Nech si ju uziju! =)

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (bobRP (31.1.2014 18:33) reagovat

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (failboat croomembrRP (31.1.2014 18:14) reagovat
Nebo taser

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (TomicaRP (31.1.2014 15:04) reagovat
spis klakson z vlaku....

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (chr) (31.1.2014 14:52) reagovat
treba vo vrecku nosit zvoncek z bicykla

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (SatrifRP (31.1.2014 14:24) reagovat
"s dovolením" mi v takových situacích vždycky stačilo

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (TomicaRP (31.1.2014 14:19) reagovat
Nic jinyho si nezaslouzila :-D

GIF 'These people are the worst!' GIF 'These people are the worst!' (Abdul_HasanRP (31.1.2014 13:17) reagovat
Tak na ně, tito lidé taky často nadávají na bezohlednost...