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8-) :-*
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Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (ŠukahošikiRP (2.2.2014 17:35) reagovat
zajimalo by me to z prstem

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (tah) (2.2.2014 16:11) reagovat
jen 6let stara tvl

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (qwef) (2.2.2014 14:19) reagovat
asi 4 roky dozadu to bolo v telerane

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (hoven) (2.2.2014 14:18) reagovat
Older than internet.

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (jojoRP (2.2.2014 13:26) reagovat
toto som videl este v case, ked som nemal doma internet :-D

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (fuckoff) (2.2.2014 13:13) reagovat
to je stary jak krava dementi z roumena

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (MemRP (2.2.2014 12:46) reagovat
JJ: jj

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (JJRP (2.2.2014 12:44) reagovat
Hlavně ten hi-tech už je 8 let

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (Mr.Hassem II.) (2.2.2014 12:41) reagovat
uz to tu urcite bolo 2x, ale podla mna vydarena dupla..a kym to neni pravidelne, kazdy polrok tak preco nie...

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (neznalek) (premiumRP (2.2.2014 12:40) reagovat
@vrrhaf V realu to maji treba chirurgove, kdyz otviraji pacientovi lebku.

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (truhlik_fredyRP (2.2.2014 12:12) reagovat
tak si si mal dat vyhladat cilkularka a videl by si ze to niekto v 2010 daval sem

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (vrrhafRP (2.2.2014 12:08) reagovat
tak jako zajimave to je urcite, ale realny nasazeni si moc nedovedu predstavit

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (ProzacRP (2.2.2014 12:05) reagovat
Neviem ja som to tu este nevidel tak som to sem dal B-)

Video 'High tech cirkularka' Video 'High tech cirkularka' (moo (lazy)) (2.2.2014 12:02) reagovat
boha jeho, kolkykrat to tu uz je?