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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (cern0usekRP (13.2.2014 0:38) reagovat
To vypada. jak kdyby nekdo nachcal do urny :))

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (wwn) (9.2.2014 22:11) reagovat
Arm: jasne, kdo nerozumi chemii musi delat s lopatou :D premyslej tak dal a jednou u ni skoncis, nebo s ni aspon dostanes po hlave. A evidentne uz taky vubec nevis, jakym stylem se uci na skolach chemie.

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (johndoe) (9.2.2014 17:41) reagovat
kokoti slovaci.

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (YetyRP (9.2.2014 16:05) reagovat
Už nikdy nebudu pít mlíko >-O

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (Arm) (9.2.2014 15:30) reagovat
wwn: teba je škoda na rozmýšľanie, drž sa ty len pri lopate. Ak ta už základná škola nenaučila, že priliatím čohokoľvek kyslého sa mlieko zrazí... A v tomto prípade to ale magisky požralo aj to sračkové colove farbivo, óóó fantazmagória, netušené zázraky. Vieš koľko rôznych vecí ešte môžeš s mliekom pomiešať? Koľko toho ešte tvoja škola zanedbala. Veď to máš prekvapení na celé roky dopredu...

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (mi0RP (9.2.2014 12:08) reagovat
Pan_Egon +1 :-D :-D

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (Pan_EgonRP (9.2.2014 12:00) reagovat
Jakože mléko rozloží kolu na chcanky a hovna ?

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (vrrhafRP (9.2.2014 11:36) reagovat
to cerny dole je cukr?

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (wwn) (9.2.2014 11:29) reagovat
Arn : u nas na skole kolu s mlikem v hodinach chemie nemichali, takze jsem o teto reakci doted nevedel. Podobne jako ve skole nemuzou ukazat tisice dalsich reakci. Takze tvuj prispevek je mimo.

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (qwef) (9.2.2014 11:28) reagovat
kopec tecie hore vodou

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (RR) (9.2.2014 11:23) reagovat
Neuvěřím, dokud TV hovna nenatočí reportáž!

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (Fob) (9.2.2014 11:08) reagovat
Voda tečie dole kopcom? :-O

Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' Video 'Coke mixed with Milk Experiment' (Arm) (9.2.2014 10:54) reagovat
Jeeee, niekto objavil, že chémia funguje. Čo nabudúce prekvapí davy? Že voda tečie dole kopcom?