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Nalezeno 8 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (FGF) (10.4.2017 23:42) reagovat
jehla ochuzeny uran ?

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (sadfdsfs) (15.5.2014 17:50) reagovat
toto neni obycejna jehla

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (Dany0RP (25.2.2014 21:58) reagovat
jo mytbusters to testovalo ale já myslím že to jde i bez cukr-skla :) Ale musí tam jít o něco jiného než jenom sílu

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (Dr.Str.RP (25.2.2014 18:44) reagovat

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (x14RP (25.2.2014 14:17) reagovat
to je tajný styl Švadlena-fu, cpt out

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (dnbRP (25.2.2014 12:30) reagovat
da se to ;-)

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (UjoPlynarRP (25.2.2014 7:25) reagovat
nech to skusi nejaky obtlstly zarasteny typek co na to nema ziadny predpoklad, potom si spokojne povieme ze sa to neda

GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' GIF 'Monk throws needle through glass.' (cpyRP (25.2.2014 7:06) reagovat
Myth busted!