:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' (rybozroutRP (23.3.2014 3:05) reagovat
co se do toho vůbec sere

GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' (van) (22.3.2014 18:02) reagovat
Vzhladom na jeho pohyb uz nemal sancu tu strelu zachytit legalnou castou tela.

GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' (Abdul_HasanRP (22.3.2014 16:49) reagovat
Resp. nezabrání, abych byl přesný

GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' GIF 'Because defending with your feet is too mainstream' (Abdul_HasanRP (22.3.2014 16:49) reagovat
To je ale umění, zabrání rukou gólu, a kartu za to dostane spoluhráč...