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Nalezeno 7 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (Baw0rRP (26.4.2014 19:32) reagovat
Atommy +1 :-D

GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (Atommy) (26.4.2014 19:11) reagovat
Na těchto základech můžete stavět...

GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (cael_offline) (26.4.2014 10:50) reagovat
ale co hovori liska?

GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (milostpanRP (26.4.2014 8:21) reagovat
a vagínka mlask

GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (honeyRP (25.4.2014 13:10) reagovat
A kuřátko píp!

GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (BeamRP (24.4.2014 22:31) reagovat
A kočička mňau!

GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' GIF 'John Wayne is sick of your shit' (cern0usekRP (24.4.2014 18:46) reagovat
A aligator chlamst!