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Nalezeno 10 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (Wabbajack) (1.7.2014 11:37) reagovat
To kedy sa toho chytil Vngelis :D original je ale toto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fPgIIB67bw

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (gaudRP (30.6.2014 9:46) reagovat
Tak vono kdyby tam dali chvili ticha, tak to vrceni by se ozvalo :]

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (MeowwwRP (27.6.2014 22:03) reagovat
chybí tomu ten zvuk z VHS :D

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (JohanRP (27.6.2014 17:56) reagovat
Hustééééééé!!! Tu hudbu si dávám do mobilu!

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (fuckoff) (27.6.2014 17:25) reagovat
hroznej FlashBACK :-D :-D

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (PiterkoRP (27.6.2014 17:11) reagovat
:-D :-D :-D

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (KeneE (N)) (27.6.2014 13:48) reagovat
to su presne 90te roky. krute

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (SirIndyRP (27.6.2014 12:17) reagovat
Kurva to ne :D

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (nereg) (27.6.2014 12:05) reagovat
da viac namahy kliknut play alebo napisat zbytocny koment?

Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' Video 'Game of Thrones VHS' (YetyRP (27.6.2014 12:04) reagovat
Je to ta samá verze co tu byla nebo je tam jiná hudba?