:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a' GIF 'Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a' (mikeRP (8.7.2014 1:57) reagovat
Jim tam asi nemrzne jinak by se to ten pes brzo odnaučil.

GIF 'Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a' GIF 'Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a' (šíbaRP (7.7.2014 19:19) reagovat
to vůbec neodpovídá realitě. ještě nikdy jsem ze zoufalosti neolizovala okna =)

GIF 'Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a' GIF 'Brock the Shiba Inu Dog Desperately Wants to Go Outside Read more a' (vecernikRP (7.7.2014 17:58) reagovat
šíba chce ven jo?