:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (MilaneseRP (15.7.2014 6:24) reagovat
Ale ten popisek krasne sedi na toho kouce, nebo co to je za buznu :-D :-D

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (mikRP (14.7.2014 14:41) reagovat
no a já nechápu videa kdy jeden týpek šahá na druhého týpka...

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (Dr.RocksoRP (13.7.2014 17:07) reagovat
to je možná dobře

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (id) (13.7.2014 4:45) reagovat
A co jako, tak ji upadla na kozu, nechapu tohle video =)

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (MilaneseRP (12.7.2014 0:27) reagovat
Hmm, homogenni bile zeny :-P

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (saboRP (9.7.2014 12:55) reagovat
žlutá - Cornelia Groot modrá - Sofia Strangholt

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (SirIndyRP (9.7.2014 12:06) reagovat
Scena jak z nejakeho anime :D

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (qapem) (9.7.2014 11:32) reagovat
Nenudíl se náhodou někdo a nedohledal jmeno těch hráček ? :D

Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' Video 'Disgusting homogenous white women.' (mikRP (9.7.2014 7:41) reagovat
Still a Better Love Story than Twilight