:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Dog refuses to walk while crossing the road' GIF 'Dog refuses to walk while crossing the road' (PaulZyRP (11.8.2014 17:50) reagovat
klasika :-D

GIF 'Dog refuses to walk while crossing the road' GIF 'Dog refuses to walk while crossing the road' (Intruder) (11.8.2014 17:11) reagovat
A to se divíš, když ho táhne na vodítku?

GIF 'Dog refuses to walk while crossing the road' GIF 'Dog refuses to walk while crossing the road' (Dommy73RP (11.8.2014 16:36) reagovat
Aspoň to týpek řeší, najde se plná prdel idiotů, kteří by toho psa nechali válet se