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Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (WanislavRP (15.8.2014 20:58) reagovat
Jo a nevím jestli jsem to napsal, pecka jak sviňa!

Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (WanislavRP (15.8.2014 20:45) reagovat
Pecka jak sviňa!!

Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (Stoky23) (14.8.2014 18:40) reagovat
K tomu mam jen dve slova Hayseed Dixie ;)

Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (ho5noRP (13.8.2014 12:20) reagovat

Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (PaulZyRP (12.8.2014 21:33) reagovat
Na Cello to bylo lepší [odkaz] :o)

Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (fuckoff) (12.8.2014 18:56) reagovat
co ty ses za prizdisrace to mi hlava nebere xD

Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' Video 'Redneck version of Thunderstruck' (/.) (12.8.2014 18:09) reagovat
prazsky buzny si koupi vylet na ekofarmu a hraji si na vidlaky? a co to dela tady?