:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' (Jawohl) (22.9.2014 22:11) reagovat
Správne, veleryba patrí do vody a nie na breh.

GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' (bulbasaurusRP (20.9.2014 12:09) reagovat
Stacilo aby si zdvihla suknu aby ju ten zachranar mohol chytit cez nohy.

GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' (BIGPAPARP (19.9.2014 16:32) reagovat
hlavně ta piča mohla couvat blbka....

GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' (jojoRP (19.9.2014 16:29) reagovat
finish her

GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' (zokiRP (19.9.2014 15:45) reagovat
Tá piča sa odrazila od dverí auta. Mal ju nechať vo vode, nech ide po vlastných.

GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' GIF 'Firefighters Rescuing Woman doesn’t go to plan Read more at http://' (ehm) (19.9.2014 14:08) reagovat
zas sprosta zena, co sama nevie vyliezt z auta. pokial si neschopna lemra, mal by si umriet a nie byt zachranovani. chudak priroda.