:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (Dr. LecterRP (23.12.2014 20:05) reagovat
Jsem slepý, nebo si zapomněla nabrat? :D

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (sftmrbulletRP (23.12.2014 12:48) reagovat
koření ze země, chuť ihned pozvedne

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (Abdul_HasanRP (23.12.2014 12:40) reagovat
Stokyman: no spíše jeden člověk sto chutí ;-)

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (Stokyman) (23.12.2014 11:46) reagovat
no čo, 100 ľudi ... 100 chutí :-D

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (Abdul_HasanRP (23.12.2014 11:44) reagovat
Má to dochucené ;-)

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (koalaRP (23.12.2014 10:32) reagovat
akoze tiez zozeriem zo zeme kadeco, ale chce sa mi verit, ze je to reverz, inac je to dost humac..

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (cern0usekRP (23.12.2014 10:15) reagovat
Tomu se rika frajerina. Zrat ze zeme ve vlaku, nebo co to je, to chce kuraz.

GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' GIF 'Girl eats potato chips off the floor' (CynikRP (23.12.2014 9:31) reagovat
To ste nikdy nemeli hlad?! =)