:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (imho) (31.12.2014 12:12) reagovat

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (Sr_LoboRP (29.12.2014 14:25) reagovat
žťščžýľížáčôä§: kdo ti brani jit zachranovat pralesy ?

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (HalipatRP (25.12.2014 22:37) reagovat
Tož, přijde mi, že mu mohli ty packy udělat delší. SWAG

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (fagan01) (25.12.2014 8:17) reagovat
v Letanovciach by sa s nim nejebali.. skončil by v hrnci..

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (Doc.) (24.12.2014 21:54) reagovat
Však je to jenom zvíře. =)

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (DadamRP (24.12.2014 18:33) reagovat
díky jednému psová namiesto záchrany pralesa pre celý svet pomôžeme všeckém

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (dnbRP (24.12.2014 14:43) reagovat
pomuzeme jedinemu svetu misto zachrany psa pro cely prales, diky vsem

Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' Video 'Derby the doge, such 3D print, so running, wow' (žťščžýľížáčôä§) (24.12.2014 14:04) reagovat
pomôžeme jednému psovi namiesto záchrany pralesa pre celý svet, díky všeckém