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:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' (cern0usekRP (14.9.2016 9:54) reagovat
Massacration meli album Gates of Metal Fried Chicken of Death, ale tyhle lidi mi je zase az tak nepripominaj.

GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' (EllrohirRP (13.9.2016 20:58) reagovat

GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' (spagetka) (13.9.2016 20:44) reagovat
Jo jo. Turecko nejlip vyhodit do vzduchu.

GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' (Shu-lin) (13.9.2016 19:34) reagovat

GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' GIF 'the best thing to do with Turkey ' (Shu-lin) (13.9.2016 19:33) reagovat
Fuck the duck until exploded! :D