:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (Birdie) (20.4.2020 19:51) reagovat

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (.:Gembler:.RP (21.5.2018 21:10) reagovat
Jasnej reverz

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (Mr. XRP (21.5.2018 15:31) reagovat
respekt :-O

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (malybuzerantko) (21.5.2018 12:22) reagovat
Volám exorcistu...

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (fakjů) (21.5.2018 9:15) reagovat
Stefanie Millinger https://www.google.cz/search?q=stefanie+millinger&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiKkOf9oJbbAhXIfFAKHfpjCSsQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=930

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (edgobardRP (21.5.2018 8:53) reagovat
kdo to je?

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (propediotikaRP (20.5.2018 21:40) reagovat
Co si slepy? V rukach ma predsa loptu.

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (adamsRP (20.5.2018 21:03) reagovat
A nebylo by to rukama jednodušší?

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (MildaX_) (20.5.2018 20:33) reagovat
taková blbost a kolik to dalo práce ...

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (BobsikRP (20.5.2018 20:11) reagovat
To je ale hnusnej chlap..

GIF 'deal with it' GIF 'deal with it' (the quitterRP (20.5.2018 20:09) reagovat