Nalezeno 14 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (jasnej) (5.2.2019 20:40) reagovat
jasnej viteco

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (karel (neprihlaseny)) (4.2.2019 12:41) reagovat
jedina dobra scena v celym filmu

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (venca) (3.2.2019 17:58) reagovat
Abe: ta jedna ruka este chce chytit vtaka ...

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (AbeRP (3.2.2019 17:52) reagovat
Proč vlastně má levou ruku furt nahoře, když už tu podprdu má na sobě 8-)

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (venca) (3.2.2019 12:12) reagovat
to je iny bollywood toto...

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (DevilstormRP (3.2.2019 10:55) reagovat

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (jasofaRP (2.2.2019 14:30) reagovat
Holly Valance [odkaz]

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (kubeekRP (2.2.2019 13:25) reagovat
Suka. Suka Blyať.

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (chlpaty) (2.2.2019 13:02) reagovat
meno suky?

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (kikot hovin) (2.2.2019 12:55) reagovat
kunkfu pinda

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (Bobby3) (2.2.2019 12:07) reagovat

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (SetiathRP (2.2.2019 9:27) reagovat

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (BobsikRP (2.2.2019 9:15) reagovat
Se ji to machruje bez koz

GIF 'Deal with it' GIF 'Deal with it' (HalfordRP (2.2.2019 8:28) reagovat
Je na stropě přivázaná za pyču.