:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' (61) (27.3.2020 23:30) reagovat
Doprdele, ten týpek absolutně neumí mluvit.

Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' (98) (27.3.2020 16:55) reagovat
najnajnaj najnajnaj

Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' (SpimfurtRP (27.3.2020 16:12) reagovat
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Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' Video 'Asteroid hitting Earth at the speed of light ' (BGRP (27.3.2020 12:08) reagovat
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