:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' (AtarianRP (20.6.2020 2:11) reagovat
Vsechno je relatvni!

GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' (Trolo ) (19.6.2020 21:39) reagovat

GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' (pc2005) (19.6.2020 21:28) reagovat
to je okolo země tolik satelitů?

GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' (PaulZyRP (19.6.2020 21:28) reagovat

GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' (/kr) (19.6.2020 21:11) reagovat

GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' GIF 'So the sun does travel around the earth! ' (OldisRP (19.6.2020 21:10) reagovat
jup, and it moving faster than speed of light