:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (Jaz-at-rouRP (11.8.2020 10:22) reagovat
Některé problémy prostě nemají jednoduché řešení. Ale tohle bylo nafingované.

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (Fhhfjgfi) (11.8.2020 7:32) reagovat
A kdo za to muze?

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (al5249RP (10.8.2020 16:13) reagovat
Aspon si oba uvedomuji, ze jsou ignoranti nesledujici okoli a jedou pomalu.

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (Lae) (10.8.2020 13:06) reagovat
Asi ženský za volantama...

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (jentak) (10.8.2020 11:58) reagovat
Samozřejmě, že na vině je "systém" -umožnil jedinci udělat chybu, což je neodpustitelné! >-O >-O

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (L0quch) (10.8.2020 11:55) reagovat
a kdo je na vine?

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (mooRP (10.8.2020 11:10) reagovat
Boda: tak dufajme, ze nie si po nej

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (cern0usekRP (10.8.2020 10:38) reagovat
To ovsem neni zrovna chytry, zejo ;)

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (BóďaRP (10.8.2020 8:50) reagovat
Spetaky? Moja mama sa pri cuvani zasadne pozera dopredu na oblaky. Ak zapipaju senzory, tak zastavi a pozera, ze co sa stalo.

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (Lopta) (10.8.2020 8:36) reagovat
And I'm afraid of those people.

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (Pichuss) (10.8.2020 7:49) reagovat
Mozek nic?

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (adamsRP (10.8.2020 7:41) reagovat
Parkovací senzory nic?

GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' GIF 'I'm always afraid of doing this' (janciRP (10.8.2020 7:39) reagovat
spetaky nic?