:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
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:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'Cold War Spy Gadgets' Video 'Cold War Spy Gadgets' (strikerlikerRP (4.12.2020 4:20) reagovat
Very interesting, but in a way disappointing because you wanted the gadgets to at least be as good as James Bond's....and these don't measure up. Nevertheless, thanks for posting.

Video 'Cold War Spy Gadgets' Video 'Cold War Spy Gadgets' (AtarianRP (3.12.2020 5:57) reagovat
Jasne. Tabasco bylo v CCCP bezne k dostani v univermagu. Kapali jsme si ho na pelmene a davali do kotlety. Ty vole, to jako vazne tyhle babe nekdo neco veri?