:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' (NormRP (9.4.2021 13:36) reagovat
ved to nema skoro ziadnu svietivost..ani ju nikto nezapina a nevypina. Preco by sa mala vypalit?

Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' (slunecnateplota) (9.4.2021 10:07) reagovat
@klatom ano na povrchu slunce je teplota jen par tisic stupnu (jak K tak C)

Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' (HeadyRP (8.4.2021 9:57) reagovat
Po slovensky: [odkaz] 8-)

Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' (yxusRP (7.4.2021 23:21) reagovat
@klarom: jsem rad, ze sis to overil, nez si napsal... :-)

Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' (jenisRP (7.4.2021 22:41) reagovat
wolfram taje jeste o 1000 vejs

Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' Video 'This is why we can't have nice things' (klatomRP (7.4.2021 22:09) reagovat
tvl, 2800 K je polovina teploty na slunci? WTF???