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Nalezeno 6 komentářů.

:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'princ Velen' GIF 'princ Velen' (strikerlikerRP (9.5.2021 0:37) reagovat
I admire that dude. Is he from Tienanmen Square?

GIF 'princ Velen' GIF 'princ Velen' (egal wer) (8.5.2021 10:15) reagovat
na megaháku tom mal vodič autobusu. Alebo to bol autonómn bus?

GIF 'princ Velen' GIF 'princ Velen' (misilRP (8.5.2021 9:27) reagovat
ten chodec to mel dobre na haku :)

GIF 'princ Velen' GIF 'princ Velen' (Barbar Coran) (8.5.2021 3:52) reagovat
everything is sidewalk when you are brave enough

GIF 'princ Velen' GIF 'princ Velen' (emsyRP (7.5.2021 20:34) reagovat
RGBA (alpha)

GIF 'princ Velen' GIF 'princ Velen' (fantomas_) (7.5.2021 20:20) reagovat
to je v akej farebnej skale?