:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' (Bures&jehozmrdi) (19.8.2021 7:28) reagovat
Jednoduché znázornění voliče, který skočil politikovi na jeho sliby.

GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' (dastardlyRP (18.8.2021 15:40) reagovat
...a co teprve holky, ty by mohly povidat (kdyby sem chodily..)!

GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' (Rimsy) (18.8.2021 11:30) reagovat
poikl: Jooo, to boli casy... B-) B-)

GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' (poikl) (18.8.2021 10:29) reagovat
Klasika, to známe všichni. Vlhký žalud a namrzlé zábradlí.

GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' (nepřihlášená mrdka) (18.8.2021 9:43) reagovat

GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' GIF 'The last time he will try to eat frozen food' (Martin1RP (18.8.2021 8:48) reagovat
HE? [odkaz]