:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (Dun) (22.9.2021 14:17) reagovat
Braindead tywe. Te kdyz das vypoved tak ti bude hodit uklizet jeste pul roku na to nez ji to dojde.

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (SatrifRP (20.9.2021 15:06) reagovat
mashup :D [odkaz]

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (GaunterRP (19.9.2021 14:31) reagovat
negerská slúžka v zábehu :o)

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (misilRP (19.9.2021 13:38) reagovat
negri jsou na teplo a smrad zvykli

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (mi0RP (19.9.2021 13:25) reagovat
To má covid? Mne obhorí jeden chĺpok na ruke a okamžite to cítiť a jej horí celá hlava niekoľko sekúnd a nič? Ani teplo? =)

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (fuuu) (19.9.2021 12:09) reagovat
s tou hudbou je to mnohem zabavnejsi

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (BzumRP (19.9.2021 12:04) reagovat

GIF 'the roof is on fire' GIF 'the roof is on fire' (autokratorRP (19.9.2021 11:56) reagovat
Na vlasech negrů stejně není poznat, jestli jsou před požárem, nebo po požáru.