:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (kolemstojící) (7.10.2021 16:00) reagovat
kdo chce zapálit, musí sám hořet

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (keket_nereg_nereg) (5.10.2021 19:35) reagovat
mali ho mlatit do hlavy aby necitil tu bolest od popalenia a aby tak velmi netrpel B-)

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (reborn-czRP (5.10.2021 19:03) reagovat
dupla ale dobra :D

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (vsevedkoRP (5.10.2021 10:23) reagovat
Tak mu treba, kriplovi. Aspon vie, ake je to "prijemne". Len skoda, ze na verejneho cinitela by musel najskor zautocit, nestaci len pokus...

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (hopla) (5.10.2021 10:13) reagovat
napadlo mne k tomu tohle... https://youtu.be/4Diu2N8TGKA?t=12

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (misilRP (5.10.2021 10:06) reagovat

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (Madmaxx) (5.10.2021 9:52) reagovat
Ztratil jednu botu, možná pak i druhou. RIP

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (the quitterRP (5.10.2021 9:50) reagovat
vzdy pobavi :o)

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (hmm hmm) (5.10.2021 9:07) reagovat
Už ani ty demonstrace a nepokoje nejsou, co bývaly. Víc lidí to točí a fotí, než aby se aktivně účastnilo.

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (CiveRP (5.10.2021 8:11) reagovat
trada dobre mu tak kripl bezcennej a vzhledem k tomu, ze ten plaminek byl puvodne myslenej prave pro ty cajty, tak je jasny ze se nejen divaj, ale vyborne se bavej

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (trada) (5.10.2021 7:51) reagovat
a spolubojovnici si to toci, jeden se ho snazi uhasit deklem z popelnice a policie se diva

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (Filip Nguyen a jeho uzeniny ) (5.10.2021 7:32) reagovat
dobře tam tančil kozáčka

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (GaunterRP (5.10.2021 7:27) reagovat
okúsil vlastnú medicínu :-D

GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' GIF 'Hot time in the old town tonight' (Proste kokot) (5.10.2021 7:09) reagovat
Dupla, ale vždy zohreje.