:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (xhajm_20) (17.1.2022 20:22) reagovat
Mně to přijde jako hodně hustej tourett. ale vydělávat si tím je vlastně geniání :D

GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (reborn-czRP (17.1.2022 10:25) reagovat
ze me to nenapadlo za mlada, nemusel sem studovat ani pracovat a brat rovnou duchod

GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (propediotikaRP (16.1.2022 22:11) reagovat
Fully vaccinated

GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (MSGRP (16.1.2022 19:04) reagovat
1:15 best

GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (antiSmajl) (16.1.2022 14:47) reagovat
Sekeru a dupej do lesa kácet stromy, namísto píčovin s telefonem :-)

GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (Mrakk) (16.1.2022 9:37) reagovat
Trapný FGčko :-/

GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' GIF 'reading kids poem with tourettes' (koblížek) (16.1.2022 9:14) reagovat
fake, je to neplacenej herec.