:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (FilipesRP (24.6.2023 19:09) reagovat
Normální čínskej tank. Takhle si děti přeci hrají pořád. :-D

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (nas) (22.6.2023 16:52) reagovat
všechno rozmrdat. to se jim líbí. jasně.

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (NasradRP (22.6.2023 7:58) reagovat
super :-D

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (mxiqRP (21.6.2023 23:03) reagovat
Ruský traktor, pokojně orající na čínské hranici se jim nějak upgradoval :-)

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Jauvajs) (21.6.2023 21:17) reagovat
blejzr, co řeže vodu chci taky! :D

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (NikdySeNezaregistrujiMiSebralNick) (21.6.2023 20:46) reagovat
Kdyby mi ještě stál, tak bych normálně mastubroval, jak to bylo krásné! A teď víme, že abramsům létají věže úplně stejně jako ruským tankům, tak snad přestanou ty vtipy o soutěžích ve výšce do které vyletí věž!

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Feshynakk) (21.6.2023 20:28) reagovat
stale lepsi film nez bude Captain Amerika 3 - lebo kapo neni neger. B-)

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (oiuytrertyuiuyfrd) (21.6.2023 19:27) reagovat
To by me zajimalo, jak videl tu ponorku...

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (kávovar) (21.6.2023 19:24) reagovat
tisíckrát lepšie, ako tie marvel sračky

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Občan YRP (21.6.2023 19:15) reagovat
Na Bollywood je tam malo zpomalenych osudovych zaberu a chybi popova vlozka uprostred.

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (JMRP (21.6.2023 18:25) reagovat
To je z produkcie toho slávneho Bollywoodu?

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Mox) (21.6.2023 16:18) reagovat
O cem sníte Vladimire Vladimirovici? ..Vladimirův sen..

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (rogardRP (21.6.2023 16:11) reagovat
Je to tak. Už to potvrdil i Jiří Vojáček.

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (m*RP (21.6.2023 15:58) reagovat
to muselo dat prace a pritom ...

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (ModusRP (21.6.2023 15:44) reagovat
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Pit) (21.6.2023 15:31) reagovat
To sú hovädá, ale šúľal som sa od smiechu. Chudák Mr. Stark.

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Kubec) (21.6.2023 15:28) reagovat
Tohle je super, armata in its best!

GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' GIF 'Chinese propaganda meme is surely hard to understand' (Franta BednaRP (21.6.2023 15:23) reagovat
Aneb vlhký sen Vladimira Vladimiroviče.