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:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
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8-) :-*
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=) :-O


GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' (Občan YRP (18.9.2023 12:23) reagovat
Porazil to a uplaval, hajzl.

GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' (mikoRP (18.9.2023 10:26) reagovat
tam nejde o auto - tech je tam dost. ale vode?! WTF?

GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' (m*RP (18.9.2023 10:24) reagovat
kdo by to cekal v Omanu.

GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' GIF 'meanwhile in Oman' (NasradRP (18.9.2023 6:56) reagovat
auto unasene vodou, to jsem jeste nevidel >-O