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:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'before smartwatches were cool' GIF 'before smartwatches were cool' (tdc_unreg) (16.5.2024 16:55) reagovat
Dneska by ten DVB-T2 byl uz mnohem mensi, nez ten puvodni, viz https://www.ablogtowatch.com/no-longer-made-seiko-tv-watch-from-1982/

GIF 'before smartwatches were cool' GIF 'before smartwatches were cool' (1.41RP (16.5.2024 12:59) reagovat
tdc_unreg: to je preci jasny, dnes k tomu musis mit DVB-T2 Set top box.

GIF 'before smartwatches were cool' GIF 'before smartwatches were cool' (tdc_unreg) (16.5.2024 11:36) reagovat
Hlavne "zapomnel" ukazat, ze hodinky jsou jen display, vlastni TV tuner je pripojenej pres drat a rozmerove se to cely blizi tomu vtipu o ruskejch digitalkach.