:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (L0quchRP (11.9.2024 22:45) reagovat
misil: hadronový urychlovač

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (JozefK) (11.9.2024 21:39) reagovat
Chcelo by to skor obrieho zajaca

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (misilRP (11.9.2024 21:32) reagovat
ten spoj hrideli u krajece se jmenuje jak?

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (JMRP (11.9.2024 19:22) reagovat
Je to dusíkovo neutrálne?

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (Aviatik) (11.9.2024 17:30) reagovat
Čekal jsem na konci generátor nabíjející elektromobil

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (lmaoRP (11.9.2024 16:54) reagovat
To je ta nova verze openAI?

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (The Future of EU) (11.9.2024 16:30) reagovat
The Future of EU

GIF 'the future is now' GIF 'the future is now' (pospaRP (11.9.2024 16:06) reagovat
Nadpis je špatně... má to být: "The future is cow"