:-) :o)
:-( >-O
;-) :-D
:-P B-)
8-) :-*
:-/ |-)
=) :-O


GIF 'how to blend in with the crowd' GIF 'how to blend in with the crowd' (ejhleRP (14.1.2025 15:34) reagovat
Co to je za kuchyň? :-D

GIF 'how to blend in with the crowd' GIF 'how to blend in with the crowd' (hmm hmm) (14.1.2025 13:58) reagovat
Bez problémů splyne s davem i v San Franciscu.

GIF 'how to blend in with the crowd' GIF 'how to blend in with the crowd' (Neregistrovaný Eric Cartmenez, dříve Eric Cartmen.) (14.1.2025 13:34) reagovat
Zřejmě se chystá ve Filadelfii navštívit Kensington Street...